Monday, November 11, 2019

November 11

I got stood up (again). There must be something about me that makes other people look at me and think "yes, this is the kind of person I can just ignore and then cancel on at the last minute because he will keep trying to go out with me." And you know, what? Those people are right. I am a sap. I allow people to treat me like shit and come back for more. It's that awful combination of loneliness and desperation with a heavy dose of low self-esteem that must be like a bat signal for every woman within 50 miles of Princeton who wants someone to walk all over. Great, just fucking great.

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy 

1 comment:

  1. I thinking you might be attracted to the wrong type of women.
    I used to be attracted to difficult men who made me do all the work.
    Things got better when what I was looking for changed.
    So ask your self, what is it that you are attracted to that makes you go for women who act like this?
