Friday, October 4, 2019

October 4

You have to hand it to Trump, there is a benefit to constantly doubling down. He is openly admitting to crimes, even more evidence is coming out showing he committing other crimes, and yet, none of it seems to matter. He is basically daring Democrats to impeach him knowing he won't be removed in the Senate. He is relying on his right wing echo chamber, foreign disinformation, and the "both sides" police in the mainstream media to transform this into just a heightened version of a basic D.C. scrum. If he burns down the country, destroys the rule of law, and makes everyone hate government, who cares? He will walk away one way or the other - as a re-elected President having proven the witch hunt could not take him down, or a former President nursing a grievance while pocketing millions from his various enterprises. I hate this time line.

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy 

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