Saturday, October 19, 2019

October 19

The tyranny of technology is crashing down on me. I have a perfectly serviceable iPhone 5s that I bought (new!) for $200 almost 3 years ago. It does what I need it to do but alas, the evil corporate hand of Cupertino has slowed its abilities. Text messages occasionally do not get sent, apps do not open. As Apple updates its iOS and demands more memory, it just snuffs out older models. So I need to shop for new tech and let me tell you folks, I am *not* psyched. I do not like talking to people and especially sales people. Online is an option but then I have to do the set up myself and since I'm an "old," it seems daunting (although I did it myself with my current phone). I remember thinking how ridiculous it was 20 years ago when my then-mother-in-law was still going to a bank teller to withdraw money because she did not know how to use an ATM, but now, I am her. I am that old person who is afraid of technology and does not know how to use it. It's not great.

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy 

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