Saturday, March 23, 2019

March 23

Mueller wrapped up his investigation yesterday. I am despondent. So many threads are dangling and yet, it looks like Trump and all his cronies are going to get away with it. And the "it" looks like a laundry list of shady behavior on multiple levels. I do not know if I am more bothered because as an attorney I care about the rule of law or as a Democrat who cares about our country's future. Either way, it is amazing to me that the whole investigation is ending with this whimper and no bang. 

I know there are active investigations going on elsewhere, but after all this build-up, I know what is coming. Lots of Goebbels-level "no collusion" messaging, a call for everyone to move on, and probably a few "lock her up" chants for good measure. It sickens me.

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy 

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