Thursday, March 21, 2019

March 21

Can I just pause for a moment to tell you how much I love my cats? It is funny, when they started spending nights indoors, and then ultimately became "indoor only" cats, I set up my basement as a separate bedroom for me so they could have the other two floors of the house at night - it seemed like a win/win. They could get into whatever shenanigans they got into nocturnally, and I could get an uninterrupted night's sleep. 

Things worked well, but for whatever reason, and I'm not sure why it was, but I started letting Ghost sleep on the bed. At first, it did not go so well. Any time I shifted my body, he would claw at my legs, as cats are wont to do. Then, Pumpkin would start trying to muscle in on his turf and they would get into fights that would wake me up. Eventually though, the kinks got worked out and we can spend a (mostly) unremarkable night all curled up together. Now, if one (or both) don't come to bed with me, I feel off. Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and hear one of them snoring contentedly, and my heart breaks a little bit at the adorableness. Pumpkin has to be the first one to say "hi" in the morning by curling around my legs when I get out of bed, demanding a back scratch. Ghost is a little more demonstrative, meowing to get my attention or tearing ass downstairs to be the first one at the food dish. We are a happy little family.

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy 

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