Saturday, January 4, 2020

January 4

Not to be overly dramatic, but I think I am dying. I have had a pain in my side for months now and I am convinced it is a cancerous tumor, so that's fun. I know what you're saying - see a doctor. I did. I had a CT scan (he thought it was kidney stones) which did not show anything. Nevertheless, I have convinced myself that this pain will kill me. I know what else you are thinking - why don't you go back to your doctor. I should, but I feel like walking in there to complain about the same thing will make me look crazy. I know, it is weird - fearing looking silly instead of confirming this thing is not actually killing me is a weird way to do life, but that is part of what it is like to feel great anxiety and PTSD. So shut the fuck up.

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy 

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