Saturday, July 4, 2020

July 4

Yesterday was not a great day. In addition to it being balls hot, I got the results back from Pumpkin and Ghost's blood work. Apparently, they are not getting enough water and it is affecting their kidneys. Ghost is better about drinking water than Pumpkin. He will drink out of the water bowl and our of a cup, but she, I don't know, I think she gets most of her liquid from the wet food I feed them (they are both really fat too, which is a whole other story). In any event, I need to start "tricking" them into drinking more, so slipping more water into their food and maybe getting one of those kitty water fountains (contra most cats, neither one of them finds faucets enticing). I feel like a failure as a cat dad, it is just very demoralizing because I love them but feel like I am failing them as a care giver. 

Then, this morning, I woke up with a nice anxiety attack, so really enjoying the holiday weekend.

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy 

1 comment:

  1. You are not a failure, cats are just odd.
    You just need to get creative.
    Does she like tuna water? ( The kind you squeeze out of a can of tuna)
    We had one old cat that only liked to drink fresh cold water out of an old fashion glass that was on a end table.
    Give her several little meals of canned food with water mixed in.
    Good luck.
    You are a good cat dad.
