Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May 26

The Amy Cooper story has me mad. I won't be able to properly articulate the many reasons I am angered that a white woman asked to leash her dog as required by law thinks it is ok to call the cops on the person who makes the request and manufacture a LIE about being threatened by him. She is getting rightly dragged on social media, but for instances like this to mean anything, there needs to be some punishment. As Walter Sobchak said in Lebowski, AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE RULES AROUND HERE? 

Why isn't she being cited for making a false police report? Why is her employer dragging its feet on shitcanning her? These are not hard calls. True, the cops exercise discretion all the time - you were 20 miles over the speed limit and the cop writes you a ticket that you were only going 10 miles over the speed limit, or gives you a warning when you could have gotten a ticket - but what kind of message are we sending when a white woman can wield her privilege in this way. As others who have far more first hand experience than me have observed, a call like that can get the person against whom it is being made killed. A faux apology is just not enough. Decisions have consequences and the ones available against her are pretty obvious. 

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy

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