Thursday, June 20, 2019

June 20

The nice thing about getting older is never sleeping through the night. The past few nights have been similar - I am in bed and asleep between 9 pm and 10 pm and wake up sometime between 2 am and 3 am. Instead of falling back to sleep, my brain is able to immediately race through what feel like a hundred different things, from what I have to do at work tomorrow, to what home improvement projects I will need to do 10 years from now if I sell my house. It is really something. At best, I may drift off into a shallow slumber that does not last past 5 am or so because I have two hungry feline mouths to feed who can go from alert and attentive to deep slumber in the blink of an eye.

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy

1 comment:

  1. This is likely not a matter of your age. It sounds more like anxiety, perhaps with a genetic component. Your anxiety seems like it has a strong work-related component along with your desire for the missing domestic relationship. You should reexamine financial aspects so that you can save up for a more secure financial future, which would reduce anxiety and free your choices for future actions. I have gotten the impression that you are already doing some gym exercise but maybe that would be better if you spent more time walking or running. A medical sleep study would be worthwhile, to get a better medically qualified analysis. I'm not sure that melatonin would be part of the treatment since your initial sleep is taking place at a good time.
