Sunday, February 10, 2019

February 10

I am having, as Jerry would say, a hard time, today. Most of it is because I am still shaking off the random "low tire pressure" incident from yesterday (nothing like fearing a tire blowout at 70 miles per hour to clarify things). The problem (or should I say a problem) with anxiety is I will now obsess over the possibility that I will in fact have a tire blow out while I am driving (this is not entirely unwarranted, it happened to me once before - on my birthday no less - while on Route 1 going about 55 miles an hour. Thankfully, I was able to steer my car to the shoulder without incident). And now I will stress ever mile of the entire trip to see my accountant next weekend, to the courthouse for the motion I am arguing in a few weeks, and will otherwise restrict my travel to the bare necessities (which, in fairness, I kind of do anyway).

Oh happy day.

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy 

1 comment:

  1. I’m sorry I minimized your worries yesterday. I have never had a tire blow out, and didn’t get the seriousness of your concerns. I get it now. I do pray everything goes well next Saturday on your trip.
