Monday, July 27, 2020

July 27

One of the taglines I use in my dating profile is "fighting off dad bod one push up at a time." It is glib and has the benefit of being true, but I will level with you fam, dad bod is starting to win. It is a cruel irony that in quarantine, my fitness routine is probably better than it was pre-quarantine - I can work out when I want and without ever leaving the house. I am actually working out more now than I was pre-Q (three or four days on, then one day off, as opposed to four times a week) but where I think I am losing the small daily battle is the otherwise sedentary life I am living. In the normal world, I was adding 10,000 (or more) steps a day at the office just by going up and down stairs a few times a day and moving around. Now, I'm lucky to get 1,000 because I rarely leave the house. I guess the other thing is just creeping middle age. The ability to maintain fitness and weight goals simply gets harder as you get older and the little skirmishes you lose, be they of steps walked or food consumed, turn into bigger lost battles faster and the ground is harder to take back. 

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy 

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