Friday, June 5, 2020

June 5

Today got off to a bad start. The power went out in a narrow little time frame between about 4:45 AM  (when I peeked at the alarm clock) and 5:15 AM (when I woke up). It immediately made me anxious. Of course, had I gotten up 5 minutes later, the only reason I would have known the power went out was the flashing clock lights, but regardless, not great. I ducked down to the office very early (around 6:30 AM) at a time when no one is ever there and of course, as the elevator opened to take me back to the garage, BOOM, someone walked out of the elevator (and neither of us was wearing a mask). I mean, the interaction was split second, but it still further torqued me up. Just weird energy. Maybe it is the heat and humidity, but I am looking forward to the weekend.

Follow me on Twitter - @scarylawyerguy 

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