Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Why Does New Jersey Suck?

I hate living in New Jersey. Just could not hate it more and yet, by dint of my work and my cats, it is just not that easy to pick up and move. Today was a perfect illustration of why this state (and more specifically, *its people*) are hot garbage:

I live within walking distance of a public library. It is a nice perk and with the weather cooling down, I have been walking there in the morning before my main work out to warm up. The library has a large parking lot - like, two parallel rows of about 25 spaces, a break where for the entrance, and then the two rows continue on for another 25-30 spaces on the other side. In other words, AMPLE room to park. So I go down there early'ish this morning (about 7:45) well before it opens to do sprint work. Basically, taking one half of one side of the parking lot and doing wind sprints back and forth. There are literally NO cars parked in the entire (roughly) 100 space lot. After a few minutes, a woman rolls into the lot and parks her SUV smack dab in the middle of the 25 or so spots that I am using - like, she sees me, waits until she I have cleared where she wants to park, and then just plunks her fucking gas guzzler right there. At first, I just sort of shook my head and made a point of going around her, but when it appeared she was not going to move, I started cussing her out (she had the windows up) and kept cussing her out (loudly) until she finally moved. As she did, she rolled down the window and gave me the finger (because of course) and said "fuck you," I said "fuck you" back and that was that. 

Was I in the wrong here? There is a whole 100 spot parking lot that is completely empty. Like, why can't you fucking park your car literally anywhere else for the 10 minutes I am going to be there. Of course, like two minutes after she finally moved her car, ANOTHER car came in and did the same thing, and I was so livid at that point, I just left because god forbid any person in this god forsaken armpit shit hole of a state show even the barest minimum of consideration or courtesy for anyone other than themselves. Selfish fucking assholes up and down the line here in the Garden State. 

It really ended up ruining my whole morning. I was FUMING on the walk home, plus mad at myself for losing my temper because 1) I don't like being out of control; 2) I could have just been the bigger person (as usual) and used one of the other parts of the parking lot even though she was being a ginormous asshole and 3) the crazy bitch could have called the cops and I definitely would not have wanted to deal with that. I got through my normal workout but was just so fucking pissed off the whole time replaying the whole incident in my head - like, why can't you just park somewhere else? I swear, I really don't even like leaving the house anymore (other than for work) because dealing with people is becoming increasingly difficult for me to do. 

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