I was thinking the other day about how when you get divorced at 40, as I did, you have a five-to-seven year window of opportunity to find love again, get married, and start a family. But that did not happen for me. After that, another five-to-seven year window is available to date women who are either so young (say mid-to-late 20s) that there is no chance for a meaningful, long-term commitment or are more age appropriate (say early-to-mid 30s) that will probably not lead to marriage b/c at that point you're in your late 40s or early 50s and the idea of having kids at that age is just not appealing. Well, I missed that window too. Now that I'm in my mid-50s, I think there is a lag, a few years before the ~ companion ~ window opens with some other soon-to-be senior citizen who maybe had kids or maybe they did not and will be retired like me and able to just experience life but without all the messiness and complication that existed when we were younger. Until then, I will just be a cat dad.
I met my lawyer husband when he was 54 and I was 8 years younger and working in the law library. We have been married going on 30 years now. Visit your library!